was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in the year 1719 and lived only 2 months and three weeks. She died April 11, 1719.
Sarah Macphead[rif]
Daugh 1 of Cap’
Archard & M lS
Sarah Macpheadri
Aged 2 Mon ts 3w ks
Dec d April 11 th 1719
The New Hampshire Genealogical Record
Sarah’s parents were Archibald Macpheadris (1668–1728) and Sarah Wentworth (1702–1776). Archibald was born in Scotland. The Granite Monthly describes Archibald Macpheadris as “a yellow-haired Scotchman, as crotchety as his late countryman, Carlyle, an indefatigable worker, a prosperous merchant and speculator, whose thrift brought him wealth. He was extensively engaged in the fur and lumber trade, and was the leading projector of the first iron works established in America.”
“He had a large household of servants and slaves, four African Candaces sewing in parlor and kitchen. He owned at one time nearly twelve thousand acres of land, and kept some thousand sheep, from whose fleece his extensive househould was almost wholly clothed. On his estate twenty cows were milked, and a cheese was made for every day in the year. This was the agricultural and domestic side; the social life consisted of gay entertainments, visiting from house to house, fox-hunting and horse-riding over his lands — up the Piscataqua and the Saco, with his agents, after furs and timber, and over to Barrington and Durham to oversee his iron works. He also had civil duties to perform; he was a magistrate and justice, and from 1720 till his death he was a member of the king’s council.”
Archibald Macpheadris had an impressive, brick mansion house built in Portsmouth. Now called The Warner House, it is a museum and open to the public during the summer months.
Archibald died in 1728. He left a Will, of which records two of his living children, Mary and Gilbert. Archibald Macpheadris Will
Sarah Wentworth Macpheadris was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Lieut. Gov. John Wentworth and Sarah Hunking Wentworth. After Archibald’s death, she married George Jaffrey. She died in 1776.