Alexsander Swett (as spelled on his stone) was born March 15, 1715 (1716 in the Gregorian calendar) and died 5 days later on March 20.
Alexsander Swett
March 10, 1715/16 – March 15, 1715/16
Rest in Peace, Baby Boy
There are at least two Joseph Swetts in New Hampshire during the early 1700’s. (1) Joseph was married to Sarah and from Hampton. (2) Joseph was married to Jane and from Portsmouth. #2 is probably the parents of Alexsander.
Joseph and Jane had at least 2 more children. Son, Joseph, was christened June 30, 1717 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Daughter, Icet, was christened June 19, 1720 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. These are the only records I can find for Joseph and Jane Swett.
There are Swetts found in later years in Portsmouth and York, Maine. There are also Swetts in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as Hampton/Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. Without specific records, this family’s lineage is unknown.